
In Bình Định province, there are several traditional villages that specialize in various crafts and cultural practices. One of them is the Ruou Bau Da village, located in An Nhon district. Ruou Bau Da is a unique traditional distilled rice wine that has been produced in this village for centuries.


Ruou Bau Da is made from carefully selected glutinous rice and fermented using a secret recipe. The process takes several months, and the wine is then stored in large earthen jars called "Bầu" for aging. The village is known for its production of high-quality Ruou Bau Da, which has a distinct taste and aroma. Visitors to the village can learn about the traditional methods of making the wine and even taste some of the locally produced Ruou Bau Da.

In addition to Ruou Bau Da, Bình Định province is also home to traditional villages specializing in sculpture. The Phu Cat district, in particular, is well-known for its skilled artisans who create intricate sculptures using various materials such as wood, stone, and bronze. Visitors can witness the sculptors at work and learn about the rich history and techniques of sculpture in the region.

Another traditional craft that Bình Định province is renowned for is the production of Nón Lá, the traditional Vietnamese conical hat. The Tuy Phong district is famous for the skillful artisans who handcraft these iconic hats using natural materials such as leaves of palm trees and bamboo. Visitors can watch the process of making Nón Lá and even try making one themselves.

These traditional villages in Bình Định province offer an opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of the region. Whether it's tasting the unique Ruou Bau Da, witnessing the intricate art of sculpture, or experiencing the craftsmanship of Nón Lá making, each village provides a glimpse into the traditions and skills that have been passed down through generations.

